Category: Folklore

4 reasons why we dream about cars

4 reasons why we dream about cars?

The archetype of the car in dreams If someone asked me how come the car is already an active symbol in our dreams with its contemporary shape I would reply of course that you have to blame “saint” Henry Ford for that. He developed the first car that was meant to be an essential tool in life. However, in ancient mythologies, we see gods have their own types of vehicles like chariots and carriages so we see modern vehicles have archetypical symbolism because it is not just the shape but the message they convey. Let’s list 4 reasons why we...

new shoes 1


I am very grateful to all my shoes! And before I tell you all about my own shoes I would like to share with you 3 fun things you should know about your shoes and they will blew your mind! Fun thing number 1! Well, first thing is that most off us have heard that women are crazy about shoes which is almost weird sometimes. I recently read that Celine Dion declared she owns 10,000 pairs. It is a bit extravagant even for the range of a public figure like Dion. But anyway, I feel her! To keep ahead, I...

Bloody moon 1

How to Make moon water under Bloody moon

Under October’s bloody moon we are making moon water for cleansing and empowering new beginnings. ‘Hunter’s moon’ is October’s full moon. It takes its name from the indigenous America tradition where the hunters used the full moon’s light to spot their prey. Contrary to the common belief, ‘Hunter’s moon’ is no brighter than usual. Only difference is its dawn happens earlier which gave the hunters the advantage of time to hunt longer under a bright sky. October’s full moon is known with another very common name. The ‘Bloody moon’! According to which phase the moon is in it will give...

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How to use Basil in spells

Even if you are a beginner in witchcraft and you have no idea where to start, I would say this. Your culinary cabinet is full of magical herbs and spices that you can start to practise your witchy inspirational spells with. One of the most common and very powerful herbs for prosperity and wealth spells is basil. In all modern and ancient traditions of the world we can observe basil in ceremonies like weddings, funerals as well as deity worshiping. A bit about tradition and folklore In Hinduism wearing a crown made of basil suggested that the person could be...

Calendula-Marigold 1

Calendula, Calendula Greek Witchcraft, and Folklore

When I was a young girl, I spent lots of my time in my grandma’s garden. Outside her front door, there was a big metal barrel, which was made like a huge pot. There were different kinds of short plants in it. There were plants in it that were blooming at specific times of the year, but there was just one yellow-orange flower that was blooming at the beginning of every single month. My grandma used the name katifes to describe it. We commonly know it as Calendula I cut its flowers and its leaves, and I mixed it with...

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Pomegranate, the fruit of life and death

There is a reason why the Pomegranate has been considered to be the fruit of life and death! That is because, for most people, the new year starts on the first of January and many of the customs and spells are using this delicious fruit to kiss goodbye the old and welcome the new! Many rituals take place on that day, and various other fortune and good luck spells take place on New Year’s Eve. However, for a witch, the year usually begins with the first fallen leaves, right at the beginning of September.One could wisely think that Fall is...

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Run and Hide, Kalikatzaroi are here

The Greek Spirits of Christmas Time Balkan countries are sharing their own mythical creatures that remind us of elves and trolls’ appearance and attitude. Here, we are going to focus on the Greek version, commonly known as Kalikatzaroi. Kalikatzaroi are mostly related to Christmas. They are demonic creatures. There are multiple names to describe them, however, kalikatzaroi, is the most common name. Although, the etymology of the world is not something that will concern this article. Are they humans or spirits? People mostly confused them with elves and ferries or demons. However, kalikatzaroi are more like humans. They have been...